The CONFIDENT Training Program and Methodology Has Arrived!
July 25, 2023News
The CONFIDENT Training Methodology is designed to support trainers and youth workers in helping young people overcome psychological and mental issues caused by social media. This document is organized into five cohesive modules that are interconnected and work together as a whole. We strive to provide a theoretical background to explain the issues and offer […]
Social Media and Mental Health – 10 Recommendations
January 20, 2023News
The use of social media has become a staple in the lives of young people today. Unfortunately, this technology can have some serious negative effects on their mental and emotional well-being. As youth workers, it is important to be aware of these potential risks and take steps to counter them. Here are ten recommendations for […]
Exploring the Negative Effects of Social Media on Youth Mental Health in Europe: The CONFIDENT Project
December 22, 2022News
Social media has become an integral part of many young people’s lives in Europe, with over three-quarters of adolescents in the European Union using social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat on a daily basis. While social media can be a useful tool for staying connected with friends and family, there is growing […]
A literature review on the impact of social media on the mental health of young people is published within the “CONFIDENT!” project
November 1, 2022News
The literature review “Social media and mental health of young people” provides a theoretical framework to understand how to define and conceptualize connections between social media and mental health of young people. The review includes various theoretical models from the psychiatric, psychological, communication, and sociological fields. Leading researchers from various countries explore the global and […]
The second transnational meeting within the project “CONFIDENT”
September 10, 2022News
The second transnational meeting within the project “CONFIDENT: COmbating the Negative inFluence of socIal meDia on mENTal health” was held in Skopje, North Macedonia, on 9th and 10th September 2022. The meeting represented a chance for the project consortium members to meet and discuss the implementation of the upcoming project tasks. During this meeting the […]
The first transnational meeting within the project “CONFIDENT”
February 7, 2022News
The first transnational meeting within the project “CONFIDENT: COmbating the Negative inFluence of socIal meDia on mENTal health” was held in Valencia, Spain, on 5th and 6th February 2022. The meeting was organized in order for partner organizations to establish procedures for communication , quality control, risk management and monitoring of planned project activities. The […]